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Новости и события

10 янв. 2022 г.1 мин. чтения
Успехи 2021
В течении 2021 года наш коллектив, совместно с Болгарской Академией Наук, а именно с Институтом органической фитохимии и фитотерапии, а...
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4 окт. 2021 г.1 мин. чтения
Весной и летом этого года, в г. Миргород, Полтавская область, Украина, специалистами колледжа была проведена серьезная и плодотворная...
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1 окт. 2021 г.1 мин. чтения
Группа курсантов, из Ташкента и Самарканда, Республика Узбекистан, успешно прошла оплачиваемую стажировку на курорте Золотые Пески, отель...
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22 мар. 2021 г.1 мин. чтения
Final selection of candidates for the Institute of Veterinary Medicine in Samarkand
The final selection of a group of students of the Institute of Veterinary Medicine in Samarkand for a practical training in Bulgaria is...
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2 мар. 2021 г.1 мин. чтения
Cooperation with the University of Transport "Todor Kableshkov", Sofia, Bulgaria
Recently, a meeting with the managerial board of the University of Transport "Todor Kableshkov"in Sofia was held. Two key areas in...
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2 мар. 2021 г.1 мин. чтения
International cooperation with the NGO "BAL-GÖÇ" Bursa, Turkey Republic
The delegation of the International College of Sustainable Tourism, Ecological Economics and Biotechnology had a business trip to the...
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2 мар. 2021 г.1 мин. чтения
Cooperation in the field of professional internships and heliciculture with the Samarkand Institute
A memorandum on joint international cooperation was signed with Samarkand Institute of Veterinary Medicine, which will develop the...
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10 февр. 2021 г.1 мин. чтения
Students from Uzbekistan will be able to participate in internships at Kia Motors and Peugeot
Students from Uzbekistan will be able to participate in internships at Kia Motors and Peugeot factories with the possibility of receiving...
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6 янв. 2021 г.1 мин. чтения
Cooperation with the Vocational Higher School # 44, located in Mirgorod, Ukraine
A memorandum dedicated to the establishment of an international center was signed in cooperation with the Vocational Higher School # 44,...
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6 янв. 2021 г.1 мин. чтения
Establishment of cluster for the year-round cultivation and processing of snails of the "Helix"
The signing of a memorandum on joint activities with the Novomoskovsk Agrarian College of the Dnieper Agrarian and Economic University. A...
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6 янв. 2021 г.1 мин. чтения
Establishment of Czech Bulgarian and Uzbek centres dedicated to the development of the partnership
The delegation of the International College of Industrialization and Protection of Population from Disasters and Accidents had a business...
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6 янв. 2021 г.1 мин. чтения
Development and optimisation of curricula for the double degree programs for Uzbek students
Recently, a meeting with the managerial board of the University of Food Technology in Plovdiv was held. Two key areas in international...
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5 апр. 2020 г.2 мин. чтения
Double degree programs by European standards and the involvement of Uzbek youth in EU training
Since mid-March 2020, the Chairman of the College has been on a working visit to the Republic of Uzbekistan. Over the past two working...
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5 апр. 2020 г.1 мин. чтения
Fruitful cooperation in cosmeceutical sphere based on snails' slime. Partnership with Italy.
As a reprsentative of International College of Industrialization and Protection of Population from Disasters and Accidents, I had a...
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5 апр. 2020 г.1 мин. чтения
Partnership with Bulgarian Academy of Science
International College of Industrialization and Protection of Population from Disasters and Accidents started cooperation on a joint...
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5 апр. 2020 г.1 мин. чтения
Snail Farming Courses based on European standards
Snail farming is one of the popular topics in the business sphere. Thus, the International College of Industrialization and Protection of...
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18 дек. 2019 г.1 мин. чтения
Cooperation with International University of Tourism “Silk Road” in Samarkand, Uzbekistan
Administration of International College of Industrialization and Protection of Population from Disasters and Accidents in the frame of...
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11 сент. 2019 г.1 мин. чтения
International Cooperation in Double Degree Programs
In the beginning of September 2019 two groups of chiefs from Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan had theoretical and practical education and...
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29 авг. 2019 г.1 мин. чтения
Successful completion of internships in Black Sea resorts and receiving of European qualification
In the last week of August interns had theoretical and practical exams for receiving of European qualification of ‘chief’ and ‘waiter...
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19 авг. 2019 г.1 мин. чтения
Development of International Educational and Practical Activities with Ukrainian partners
The Administration of the College organized several meetings in the territory of Ukraine. From the name of the College honorable letter...
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