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Specialized paid Internships in Black Sea resorts in Bulgaria “Season 2019”

Обновлено: 26 февр. 2020 г.


    The season of internships in our College started from May 2019 and continue till the velvet season, namely, beginning of October 2019. During this season our College work in collaboration with 5 Education Institution for 5 different countries: Moldova, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan. Number of Interns increased to 210 people and all of them work in more than 10 hotels of Bulgaria.

   For interns from Central Asian countries personal meetings in the airport of Istanbul was organized. They were maintenance to the place of internships and received further support.

  Specialized groups were formed among the interns for the further study in the Center of Professional Education in the College in the following specialties: chiefs, housekeepers, waiters and bartenders.Participants of the course, who studied in Russian and passed the state examination receives government-issued qualification certificates and have a chance for long-term paid internships in Berlin and Saxony resorts.

   For the august conduction of thematic and national evenings are planned. For instance, Ukrainian, Kazakhs, Turkmen and Uzbek cuisine evenings.

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