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Cooperation with International University of Tourism “Silk Road” in Samarkand, Uzbekistan

Обновлено: 2 мар. 2020 г.

     Administration of International College of Industrialization and Protection of Population from Disasters and Accidents in the frame of work trip visited International University of Tourism “Silk Road” in Samarkand, Uzbekistan. During the visit master class for students of the University regarding the internships in Bulgaria was held. Additionally, the students were introduced to activities of International College. As a result of the event, students discussed interesting topics, received answers to their questions, extensively familiarized with the program of paid educational practical internships and opportunity to receive professional education and state recognized qualification certificate in tourism and restaurant business, which is recognized by all EU members. The fact that youth of Uzbekistan was interested and initiative during the master once more proves that internships are the crucial part of educational process.

   Worth to mention that the aim of International College is organization of internships in Bulgaria and resorts of Austria and Bavaria, which gives a huge opportunity for students and interns to show professional knowledge and skills, and also start a career in hotels and restaurants of European Union.

  The meeting with Vice-rector on educational part, professor Turayev B.X. was held. During the meeting the perspective direction for cooperation and interconnection on the issues of development of useful skills and knowledge of University students by paid educational practical internships on the territory of EU was discussed.

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