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Establishment of alive bio reefs on the base of innovation technologies for cleaning of Caspian Sea

Обновлено: 25 февр. 2020 г.

    Our staff participated in international scientific conference “Science, technique and innovation technologies in the era of power and happiness” in Ashkhabad, Turkmenistan with the scientifically practical project directed to clearance of coastal waters of Caspian Sea. The Conference was dedicated to the celebration of “Knowledge Day” in Turkmenistan and was organized under the patronize of the President of Turkmenistan – Gurbanguli Myalikulliyevich Berdimukhammedov

   The project “Alive bio reef” was realized by our Bulgarian-Ukraine scientific-engineering consortium in Gulf Vromos, Republic of Bulgaria. The aim of the project was development of bio reef construction for clearance and filtration of Black Sea coastal waters from oil pollution and wastewater, and extension of biodiversity and preservation of edge of the coastline. Engineering and scientific support of the project was organized, arrangement diagrams of bio reefs were established, additionally, project drawings were modernized, storm-resistance characteristics of the construction were increased.

  General physico-chemical researches of the sea water in testing waters proved that clearance and filtration features of bio reefs.

    On the base of realized project, the construction of Bio Reefs was modernized for further practical usage of it in Aegean, Azov and Caspian Seas.

  The innovative and bio technological project implementing with the support of transboundary programs of EU, such as “Basin of the Black Sea 2014-2020”; “Dunai 2014-2020” and “Horizont 2014-2020”.

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